Tuesday, December 8, 2009

College Diabetics Face Extra Challenges

LAWRENCE, Kan.—Thousands of college students in the United States have type 1 diabetes.

Diabetic students face extra challenges daily, including the need to monitor their diets, exercise routines and drinking habits.

Diabetics who drink must be careful, said Dr. Kenneth Dykstra, physician at the Wichita Clinic. Dykstra said if diabetics choose to go out to drink, then friends should always accompany them.

Diabetics sometimes remain discrete about their condition, meaning friends must watch for complications. Ask them to check their blood sugar and encourage them to only have one or two drinks in a three-hour time span.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Students' Information Appears in Directory

LAWRENCE, Kan.--More than 42,000 students, faculty and staff can find their personal information in the University of Kansas Telephone Directory, a yearly publication distributed campus-wide by University Relations.

Besides finding personal entries, the directory contains information about administrative offices, academic departments, faculty and staff, organizations, campus maps, buildings' abbreviations and addresses, admissions and employment at the Lawrence, Kansas City, Wichita and Edwards campuses. It has been published for more than 23 years, and more than 16,000 copies are distributed to all campuses and their local police departments, government buildings and libraries.

"Students can benefit from knowing the information in there," said Evie Rapport, the special projects editor at University Relations.

When browsing through the "Students" section of the KU Directory, users can find a student's name, major, classification based on credit hours and school address. If a student lives on-campus, then his or her's campus phone number and room number are also listed.

"No one ever came up to me and asked if I wanted my information in there," said Megan Borcher, Elkhorn, Neb. sophomore. "And no one told me how to take it out."

Students are informed about policies and procedures regarding privacy in the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act/Paying for KU" session during New Student Orientation, but they are never specifically told their information will be in the directory said Chris Stoppel, the associate director of New Student Orientation. Incoming KU Students attend orientation to transition into student life at KU and to enroll in classes.

According to the Office of the University Registrar's Web site, federal law and university policies allow the registrar's office to publicly release information about students unless requested otherwise. Students can fill out a form to place restrictions on which information is released.

"Everyone has the option to change information," Rapport said. Rapport also said faculty and staff, many of whom have their home addresses and phone numbers listed in the directory, have that option as well.

Captain Schuyler Bailey, the police support unit captain at the KU Public Safety Office, said that there is nothing in the directory that can be used for identity theft.

"If you Googled someone, you could find that same information," Bailey said.

However, all of the specifics in the directory cannot be found using Google, White Pages or similar Web searches. Since the university has access to details, such as an off-campus address with apartment number, they only appear when the university releases them. It is not knowledge that can be found by browsing the Web.

"I honestly have never seen the directory," Borcher said, "but there are going to be creepy people out there who will look for other people."